

Suddenly, the traveling is over. The trip is not. It will never be.

Reaching out, flashing a smile, giving a subtle wink, sharing stories, dancing with abandon in scorching heat, breaking bread together, allowing my heart to share pain and joy with neighbors I’ve only just met, reflecting on my life, my failures, my hopes… they are milestones of a journey that never ends. The trip is not over. It should never be. We need unceasing reminders of Grace, Hope, Joy, Forgiveness, Faith, and Love. Our intense, over-scheduled, distracted, do-it-all, disconnected lives numb us. Periodically breaking free helps, but it is a temporary salve. The trip must continue.

On our last day, we enjoyed some time visiting with Ray at his house:

The Mensah Family
The Mensah Family
Father / Son picture
Father / Son picture
The whole team, along with the OneWay Africa staff
The whole team, along with the OneWay Africa staff
The VanHuis FanIce girls
The VanHuis FanIce girls
Emily: "Is my mom doing something goofy behind me for this picture?"
Emily: “Is my mom doing something goofy behind me for this picture?”
The VanHuis team
The VanHuis team
A picture from March, 2014... more than 2 years before our trip, before we even imagined going.
A picture from March, 2014… more than 2 years before our trip, before we even imagined going.

Next? Work on the pictures, videos, and do a presentation at OWC. Also, work on the Dagbani and Mampruli audio a bit, making some improvements. Then we can start planning for another trip in a couple years…

Thanks for everyone’s thoughts and prayers. Until next time….

-Pete and the team

3 thoughts on “Home”

  1. So glad you are home safely and that you had such a wonderful time. You and Pete have had so many meaningful times in your journeys. How fortunate you are….and how fortunate the persons with whom you came in contact with and blessed in those intersections!

  2. Thanks for sharing your stories and pictures! Glad to hear you are safely home. :)

  3. Thanks. The trip was hard work, but rewarding. Hopefully we can followup with another trip in a year or so.

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