Category Archives: 2014

2014 Launch!

We will have to catch people up after we get some sleep.  Wednesday 1/22/2014 was the last team prep meeting.

The 2014 Team
The 2014 Team:  Pete Beckman, Beth Beckman, Kevin Rose, and Nathan Johnson

We leave for Ghana this evening, Thursday January 23, 2014.

Packing, Packing, Packing, Logic Pro tweaking, Virtual Box tinkering, List making….. almost ready… time for sleep.





Almost Ready

I promise, more details shortly…  

I’m worried about kryptonite.  Well, not real kryptonite, but something much worse….  the picture below reveals my fear. Ugh.


We have 8 bags, almost all ~46lbs.  John MacIntyre is on his way over to pick us up and take us to O’hare.  




Safe in Africa

As promised, it is time to catch up.

Trips erupt from a furious sleep-deprived preparation phase. They often begin weak, uncoordinated, and slow, like a toddler sitting up and rubbing his eyes after a nap.

But we are waking up, and beginning to get a sense of the enormity of the project and work at hand.

From miles above, through the ice crystal fringe on window, I gaze down on the hot Sahara. Africa! I’m beginning to feel your rhythms. I’m waking up. Your broad smiles, your curious children, and your songs of praise are near. My exhaustion is becoming joy. We have work to do, and a plan. But I can also hear Africa politely snickering. “Detailed plans and checklists? how American of of you”.

Pickup at the airport went uncharacteristically smoothly. No issues with the food we brought for the remote bush country, no issues with bringing in all our tech and the Bibles, and no complications with our luggage. Nice!

We dropped Kevin and Nathan at a guest house a few blocks away. Beth and I are once again staying with the Korums. We spend another 90 minutes or so repacking for the flight up to Tamale, leaving her in Ghana what we don’t absolutely need now. Tomorrow we will take a flight, meet Ray, and then begin the 5 or 6 hours drive into the remote bush, ending the evening at gbintiri, where our work will begin. Again, more details to come, but I’ve got some tech issues to work out and would like to get some sleep.

Thanks for your prayers. More tomorrow….


Driving North

imageimageQuick update from car, while I hope we have net.

Flight to Tamale was smooth. We are driving east to Yendi. Then the pavement ends and we drive north into the bush several hours, where our bobble head dog will sprain his neck.