Anufo Dance Party

Such a wonderful Sunday. Hard work. Long hours, and worth every moment. Pictures first, and **movies** (they are fun!), story below.

Too cool to smile
Just loving church
Pastor Azumah
A “dum dum” lollipop from Walmart brings some joy to the singers
Seed pod shakers for dancing…
Joanna learns to dance — African Style!
The percussion section
Clement, one of the OneWay Africa missionaries.

WOW! Such a wonderfully full and joy filled day of solid work. Thanks to the amazing work of Clement and the local pastors and choir leaders from all of the churches in the Chereponi area, we were booked solid, all day, just the way we like it. In our first day of recording, we left with 33 tracks. From early morning with a small church where Mike preached, to a hilltop where we recorded choirs and Bible stories into the night, we were busy dancing, recording, and learning about the unique Anufo people. Every tribe is different. Sometimes it is easy for me to think of the many languages across Ghana, and forget that each culture, each tribe, has their own customs, music, and food. In many ways it is like Europe, with French, German, Italian, Norwegian, and Portuguese all getting squished into a country the size of Oregon. Naturally, there are many similarities, but also wonderfully unique styles. The Anufo enjoy dance music. Talking drums, rattles, djembe, gourds, and large clay pots are all part of the celebration. We recorded most of the choirs outside, because they were just too loud for any room. The dancing and shaking brought the music alive, and a cloud of red dust began to swirl around the singers as they moved from song to song, stamping and spinning.

It is humbling and heals my heart to see the authenticity of joy shared by the Anufo today.

2 thoughts on “Anufo Dance Party”

  1. Awesome! I LOVE this village and these people already – such joy and fun! That cutie-patootie girl with the tamborine?! Come on! The lollipop picture? One of my all-time favorites, Pete! And look at Joanna in the middle of that circle – you go, girl! Thanks for posting!

    1. Yes! the people are so beautiful and filled with authentic praise, from the little kids to the choirs.

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