
We are safely home.  We thank everyone for their prayers and support.  The ground here in the Naperville suburbs is snow-covered, and it is a brisk 21 degrees outside.  The orange glow of sunrise reveals the ice and snow that must be chiseled off our cars, but a fresh cup of Peet’s coffee is helping to fortify me.  

Some of the faces we will miss
We were presented with some “Chief” clothes on the way home by the staff at the Philip Center. The big wide flared bottom of the shirt is designed for twirling dances. Beth would not let me show the video :-)

The weather forecast for Tamale, Ghana predicts 107 on Sunday.  We miss our friends, but not the heat.  But even with the dizzying heat (literally), the trip was wonderful in every way.  The training sessions were very helpful – and we have already heard that sharing music, videos, and Bible apps from phone to phone has been successful.  Our initial work recording the joyful choirs and stories of forgiveness and love in the Gonja language will require a followup trip to complete.  Beth is already making plans.  

The Fulfulde-Maasina app on an Android phone belonging to one of the folks from Burkina Faso who was visiting us.
Some of the kids I tricked into being goofy. Kids are kids, and the “Dude” t-shirt is fantastic.

Finally, Beth and I brought home a bunch of Ghanian food supplies — so we can make Banku, sprinkle Gari on a stew, and make Fufu. So please join us at our house for an Open House and some West African food, fun, and music. We will have our house open on March 21, from 3-8pm. Drop in! I might be wearing my new blue woven shirt with the wide pleats and demonstrate some twirl dancing :-)

I’m eating some fufu in “light soup” on the day we departed Ghana. Beth and I both enjoyed it.
Joseph, Esi, Cynthia, and Ray Mensah
One last video with the drone: The Fulani watering hole — for both people and cattle.

Until next time — thanks following along and praying!