Faith Like A Child – Worship Times

Holly: Someone asked about our worship times with Emmanuel Ministries.  Rarely have I experienced such joy and enthusiasm for the Lord.  We went to the Sunday service at noon Juarez time, 2pm our time.  All of the songs were in Spanish with the words projected on the wall so that I could fumble along in my limited Spanish.   The children danced and waved banners during the contemporary songs.  Everything else including the messages were translated for us.

By Thursday night, my Spanish was better and I could more fully participate in the singing.  In fact,  at the end of the service we were encouraged to come forward and learn the dance to one of the worship songs.  Those of us who were a little shy, found children’s hands gently leading them up front.  It was awesome to worship the Lord with our new friends.

During the prayer time the children who wanted prayer were asked to come forward and we from EFCN laid our hands on them.  As Pastor Dave offered up a prayer, my eyes teared up as I thought of the stories of Jesus telling the little children to come to him and how we should have faith like a child.  The children of Emmanuel Ministries have taught me how to love the Lord with faith like a child.